postscripting the life of an average singaporean guy
Sunday, November 28, 2004

Coming soon... Dec 2nd 2004

POP.... Dec 2nd 2004 Coming soon....
Stay tuned.....
Extras! Pictures! If i can get my hands on the softcopies that is!

jh out!~

Sometimes The Road Ahead Is Paved With Anything But Good Intentions @ 4:33 PM 0 comments

Past Few weeks...

Since the last few weeks my training regiment has been quite slack.... slack till the point whereby what energy i lose is what i eat back... (yes, my weight has been stuck there for quite some time going up and down)

yes it has been morning reveille, do 5 BX, breakfast, area cleaning, zhou bo, do nothing, zhou bo, do nothing, march around parade square, lunch, do nothing, zhou bo, do nothing, IPPT, dinner, do nothing, zhou bo, last parade...

of course the zhou bos doesn't really mean do nothing, sometimes, my platoon sergeant who happens to be our Duty Instructor will give us some extra training so we can get some more muscles... example...

Whole lot half left down, down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down. Cruches position change, up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up. Push up position change, spider position, down down down down down down down down down. Cruches position change, hello my little darling in position ready!(legs lift up 45 degrees and straightened...) 20 counts of 4, begin, 1 2 3 4 , 2 2 3 4, 3 2 3 4....(criss cross the legs). Push up position change, diamond position, down down down down down down down down down. Cruches position change, flutter kicks in position ready!(legs lift up 45 degrees and straightened...) 20 counts of 4, begin, 1 2 3 4, 2 2 3 4, 3 2 3 4....(kicks up one leg and bring down the other). Whole lot recover! Jumping jet in position ready... 50 counts of 4... and begin....

jh out!~

ps: above post is to remind myself some of the stuff i went through in BMT... nevertheless there are some who manage to chao keng like doing 1 push up and counting twice as fast... be reminded i am not those who chao keng on such things... maybe chao keng saikang i will haha.!

Sometimes The Road Ahead Is Paved With Anything But Good Intentions @ 4:30 AM 0 comments

Sunday, November 21, 2004


bloody short weekend... ain't gonna blog this week...

the above msg is just FYI...

jh out!~

ps: go catch The Incredibles, it is incredibly awesome! # puns intended #

Sometimes The Road Ahead Is Paved With Anything But Good Intentions @ 3:14 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


p.s: At A&E, the doctors will not tend to you that fast as long as they know you are not a
life or death matter that means people with heavy headaches and drastic stomachaches
can just wait and wait and wait...
p.p.s: The full stops in my above blog emphasis how bored I was at SGH....

jh out!~

Sometimes The Road Ahead Is Paved With Anything But Good Intentions @ 11:00 PM 0 comments

Attend C...

You must be wondering just what in the world am I doing blogging on a tuesday afternoon, simple, I'm on attend C, It's SAF's term for taking MC.
And why oh why didn't I blog over the weekend, as I mentioned before my computer broke down and basically I spent the weekend repairing with help from my friend shaun and also went to kangren's pre birthday celebration at a bungalow chalet near Changi beach Club.

Reason why I am on attend C? Well, for starters, I'm having fever(39 degrees), diarrhoea, common cold.I got no idea where the fever came from but I pretty much guess it is linked to my diarrhoea which all thanks to kangren's food at the bungalow, yentah and I suspect it is the bee hoon and the curry which was left in the open for too long.Even Ms Tan, Shaun, Joseph, Yentah and Yu food poisoning. As for the common cold, it is pretty much tekong cough as it is widely known.

I'm suppose to book in tonight or latest by tomorrow morning at 7.30am, that is if I can make it as I am still heading to the toilet every 2 hours or so...If it still doesn't get better by evening, I'm heading towards SGH... A&E here I come! Besides I'm still having a slight fever and a heavy headache probably due to recovering from fever...

Nothing much to blog except for my last thursday LIVE grnade throw, it was really fun but it is really dangerous just by listening to the blast.And we booked out on friday afternoon (3pm) so that we can rest well for saturday's school Life run held at Marina South. Yes it's a BMTC school 1 event.

Went there on saturday morning and we are supposed to run 3 km. But being obese, we are supposed to do brisk walk that is except my platoon and platoon 4 which is the lighter among the echo company and therefore able to do some jogging, besides our platoon motto happens to be garang!Haha.

After the 3Km, we had a frisbee game called ultimate, thanks to clarence who introduced the game into echo company.

Once dismissed, about a third of my platoon head towards Goodwood park hotel for a japanese buffet at $35nett. I was tempted to go but the thought of bbq at night later cancel away the thought.

Went to Sim Lim in the afternoon with shaun to get my powerbox as the one inside my computer has broken down because the fan is no longer working.Was very pleased to find my computer up and running again but did not have much time to use as I gotta rush to meet Ms Tan and head towards kangren's chalet.

Shaun, yentah, joseph and I stayed over at the chalet and left in the early morning, I went home to continue my sleep and when I wake up, it was about time for booking in... That's how my weekend goes and oh yeah, my diarrhoea began right after I woke up in the afternoon...Thx ar kangren...

P.S: Happy 21st Birthday Kangren!

jh out!~

Sometimes The Road Ahead Is Paved With Anything But Good Intentions @ 1:24 PM 0 comments


My Photo
Location: Singapore

Not boring not exciting, not lazy not hardworking, not handsome not ugly, not short not thin, not a bad guy not quite mommy's boy either. Regular Singaporean guy who like most guys probably get several different colours of the same shirt, t-shirt, berms, jeans once they fall in love with a particular design. Been through the era of cassette tapes of walkmans to discmans(remember the anti-shock technology) as well as MiniDisc(coming out at a bad time) which obviously lost to the emergence of mp3s and the CD to LD which saw LD losing out to VCDs. Next came the DVDs which 0wned the vcds and try to act smart by having 2 groups, HD DVD and Blu Ray. 2 words BLU.RAY. Loves to reminisce the old days when A&W rootbear float was still around and KFC was still a restaurant complete with waiters serving you Kentucky Fried Chicken. The days where bus fares were 10 cents for students and pizza hut's lunch buffets. Moves/dances to the jumpy music of Ipod Ads and likes to laugh at the Hello I'm a Mac, Hello I'm a PC advertisements!

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Famous People that he has met: Junichiro Koizumi Lee Hsien Loong David Beckham Ali Larter Mandy Moore The Rasmus Masi Oka Greg Grunberg Sendhil Ramamurthy


House under my name
Audi Q7
Volkswagen Touareg
Volvo XC90
Tag Heuer Aquaracer
Money Clipper
Strike TOTO or Big Sweep
BALLY Wallet
Aikido Nidan (二段)




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